Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 3 Wisdom to Dillon, Montana

So Day 3 started off with another great meal!  This seems to be the norm this trip, we are eating almost as much as we are biking!  The breakfast was out of this world and set us on our way...

We started riding for 18 miles on a very flat grade to a town called Jackson.  This town has hot springs and a couple of old hotels which were being restored.  This first 18 was fun but little did we know what we had in store.

Outside Jackson we started our uphill trek towards Big Hole Pass (7360 feet)  We climbed about 900 feet and most of us on sore legs from yesterday.  We caught up with a Slovenian gentleman who has been cycling from Oregon and into Colorado.  He is doing half of the Transamerica Trail this year and half next year.  We have seen him peridodically over the last couple of days.  After Big Hole Pass, we had the wonderful down hill to a valley and coasted to the base of Badger Pass.  This was around 14 miles.  We fueled up and started our second big climb of the day.  This was not as bad as the first but after having done Chief Joseph Pass yesterday and Big Hole today, this was no cupcake.  About 700 feet in 2 miles!

However, after this we had the luxury of coasting about 16 miles into our destination of Dillon.  There were storms in the area and some lightning up ahead.  Also, the crosswinds were brutal and a couple of us had to get back into the van.  They really felt like you were being blown into the other lane!  We all congregated back in Dillon and had a delicious supper.  The day was alot of fun and tomorrow we have a pretty flat 63 miles with a tail wind!  Looking forward to that!  Today we did 66 miles in total!  Hope all is well back home with all of the families...

I have included some scenic views today.. I hope you all enjoy!

 Open beautiful!

This bull was lying down about 15 feet from me (with a fence in between).  When I pulled over to take his picture he stood right up and eyed me down the whole time!
 Norman had to have his bike towed!!...Just kidding
 Try and guess who is stuck under all that luggage (believe it or not, its not Chuck!)
 Graeme outrunning his son in law...Chris!!!
 Lisa pulling the boys and showing them how its done!
 Patrick taking a page out of Chucks book!
 Chuck goofing around as usual!
 Simon ripping up the road
 Tommy loves the Bert and Ernie!
 Chris posing for a pic
Evidentally Scottish Guys are rednecks too!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your bike has shrunk!! Love the pictures! Can't believe you road your bike with your backpack and gear! So glad you are all having a great time!
