Monday, June 20, 2011

We have really enjoyed our short time here in Missoula.  Some of us got out and toured the city and the University of Montana.  Some biked easy, some bike hard, some rode in a car and some just rested.

This is an absolutely beautiful place and we are so lucky to have spouses/children that understand our love for this type of activity!  Thank you to all of you who have supported our endeavor!

It was really fun getting to know each other at Jakers tonight over dinner.  As Tommy said about Scotland and the USA, we are two countries separated by a common language (I think I said that right!)

Here are some pics that I took today...I hope you like them and feel free to comment on them.

 Mountains with letters on them is apparently they way they do things around here!
 Alot of snow melt has provided some really rushing rivers!
 Gavin, Chris, and Simon caught a glimpse of one of these yesterday.
 Nothing needs to be said!
 From the left back around to the right..Phillip, Chuck, Lisa, Patrick, Graeme,Diane, Tommy, Gavin, Simon, and Chris
 Philip showing how it is done!
 Chuck goofing around like usual
Tommy sitting down on the job!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! The girls loved the bear! Hope you all had a great ride today!
